The Dog Named Benjamin

Baby BenjaminRecently my sister and her boyfriend bought and breed baby Golden Retriever. It is a small dog from the family of Golden Retriever. And they named him Benjamin! Benjamin? Why not Retriever? Or Whiter (since the dog is white)? Or else. Well her boyfriend gave the name and the name he got it from The Bible. Hmmm... Holy Dog!

Now, let's explore why this Golden Retriever so special, as they say.

Some website may useful to you sis, let us see it.

Some references are provided to you sis. I hope when Ben is sick or you need to make him live in hygenic ways, come to my blog here.

This photo is how might Benjamin look like when get older. So hairy lah. Banyak kena pakai shampoo ni :p

Benjamin! Benjamin! Benjamin! Come! Come! Come! It's time to bath!

Woof! Woof! ;-)


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